
In 2022, the Three Rivers Park District celebrated a Big Year of Birds! This work uses eBird data to summarize birding activity in the parks during the special year-long event. How many species were found? Who documented the most species? How did the year compare to past years? Scroll down to find out!

# Set up #

# Load libraries and define focal year (2022). Most outputs below are filtered and specific to the focal year.

# load packages

# custom functions
`%!in%` = Negate(`%in%`)

# resolve namesake conflicts
select <- dplyr::select

# set focal year
focal_year <- 2022

# Load park boundaries #

# Load park boundaries from TRPD spatial database. eBird data will be filtered to only retain records from within these boundaries.

# where to save clean parks sf file
f_parks <- file.path(here("Data", "Wildlife", "eBird", "parks_outlines_ManualEdits_30mBufferDissolve.RDS")) 

if (!file.exists(f_parks)) {

spatial.boundaries.parks <- st_read(here("Data", "Geospatial", "General", "Park_Bndry_Public_ManualEdits_30mBufferDissolve.shp")) %>%
  st_transform(crs = 4326)

parks <- spatial.boundaries.parks
saveRDS(parks, f_parks)} else {

parks <- readRDS(f_parks)

st_crs(parks) <- 4326

parks <- parks %>%
    select(LabelName) %>%
    rename(Park_Name = LabelName)

#mapview::mapview(parks, col.regions = "darkgreen", legend = FALSE)

# Load eBird data #

# Raw data were obtained directly from eBird. An account and simple pre-approval are needed to [download the data](https://science.ebird.org/en/use-ebird-data). 

# read in eBird data
ebd <- auk_ebd(file = file.path("S:\\Shared drives\\Blair Lab\\Data_External_General\\eBird\\EBD\\ebd_US-MN_relDec-2022\\ebd_US-MN_relDec-2022.txt"),
               file_sampling = file.path("S:\\Shared drives\\Blair Lab\\Data_External_General\\eBird\\EBD\\ebd_sampling_relDec-2022\\ebd_sampling_relDec-2022.txt"))

# define some attributes of starting EDB version and planned filtering to populate output file names
ebd_version <- "ebd_relDec-2022" # [UPDATE FOR RUN]
filter_region <- "TRPD_parks_manual_30mBuff" # [UPDATE FOR RUN]
filter_sp <- "all_sp" # [UPDATE FOR RUN]
filter_season <- "all_years" # [UPDATE FOR RUN]

# define filters to apply to the EBD
ebd_filters <- ebd %>%
  # select only records from study area
  auk_bbox(parks) #%>%
  # # data from any year but, could also filter
  # auk_date(date = c("2018-01-01", "2022-12-31"))

# define where filtered outputs will live
f_ebd <- file.path(here("Data", "Wildlife", "eBird", paste0(ebd_version,"_",filter_region,"_",filter_sp,"_",filter_season,".txt"))) 

f_sampling <- file.path(here("Data", "Wildlife", "eBird", paste0(ebd_version,"_","checklists","_",filter_region,"_",filter_sp,"_",filter_season,".txt")))

# implement filter, but only run if the files don't already exist
if (!file.exists(f_ebd)) {
  auk_filter(ebd_filters, file = f_ebd, file_sampling = f_sampling)

# define where park-point intersection will live (yielding only records within park boundaries)
f_int <- file.path(here("Data", "Wildlife", "eBird", paste0(ebd_version,"_",filter_region,"_",filter_sp,"_",filter_season,"_within_park_boundaries_int.RDS"))) 

# define where park-point filter will live (interim step without the park info)
f_filter <- file.path(here("Data", "Wildlife", "eBird", paste0(ebd_version,"_",filter_region,"_",filter_sp,"_",filter_season,"_within_park_boundaries_filter.RDS"))) 

# read filtered ebd and and clip to park boundaries, but only run if the files don't already exist
if (!file.exists(f_filter)) {
  dat <- read_ebd(f_ebd, unique = FALSE,  rollup = TRUE) %>%
    st_as_sf(coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = 4326) 
  dat <- dat %>%
    select(global_unique_identifier, common_name, observation_count, locality, locality_id, locality_type, observation_date, time_observations_started, observer_id, sampling_event_identifier, protocol_type, duration_minutes, effort_distance_km, number_observers, all_species_reported, group_identifier)
  dat_parks <- st_filter(dat, parks) %>%
    mutate(Year = format(as.Date(observation_date, format="%Y-%m-%d"),"%Y")) # add column for year

 saveRDS(dat_parks, f_filter)
} else {
  dat_parks <- readRDS(f_filter)

# dat_parks_int <- st_intersection(dat_parks, parks)

### st_intersection taking too long. this loop is faster....

if (!file.exists(f_int)) {
# convert polygons to multipart polygons (one per park)
parks_mp <- parks %>%
  group_by(Park_Name) %>%
  summarise(geometry = st_combine(geometry)) 
dat_parks_int <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:nrow(parks_mp)) {
  park_name <- parks_mp$Park_Name[[i]]
  park_dat <- st_filter(dat_parks,park)
  park_dat$Park_Name <- park_name
  dat_parks_int <- rbind(dat_parks_int, park_dat)

saveRDS(dat_parks_int, f_int)
} else {
  dat_parks_int <- readRDS(f_int)

dat_parks <- dat_parks_int

# save checklist locations with total number as sf for later before dropping geometry
checklist_locations <-dat_parks %>%
  select(locality_id, locality_type, locality, Park_Name) %>%

checklist_locations_visit_count <-dat_parks %>%
  select(locality_id, locality_type, locality, sampling_event_identifier, Park_Name) %>%
  unique() %>%
  group_by(locality_id) %>%
  summarise(total_visits = n()) %>%

checklist_locations <- left_join(checklist_locations, checklist_locations_visit_count)

# Expand locality type codes
checklist_locations$locality_type[which(checklist_locations$locality_type == "H")] <- "Hotspot"
checklist_locations$locality_type[which(checklist_locations$locality_type == "P")] <- "Personal point"
checklist_locations$locality_type[which(checklist_locations$locality_type == "PC")] <- "Postal code"

dat_parks <- dat_parks %>%

# Generate data summaries #

# This code summarizes data from the focal year (`r focal_year`) for each observer, park, and species. Visualizations and other displays of these summaries are below.

# Convert count of X to 1
dat_parks$observation_count[which(dat_parks$observation_count == "X")] <- 1

dat_parks$observation_count <- as.numeric(dat_parks$observation_count)

# Focal year summary by observer
observer_summaries <- dat_parks %>%
  st_drop_geometry() %>%
  filter(Year == focal_year) %>%
  group_by(observer_id) %>%
  summarize(total_species = length(unique(common_name)),
            total_birds = sum(as.numeric(observation_count)), # count of individual birds
            total_parks_visited = length(unique(Park_Name)),
            total_visits = length(unique(paste0(Park_Name,"_",observation_date))),
            total_checklists = length(unique(sampling_event_identifier))) %>%
  arrange(desc(total_species)) %>%

observer_summaries_effort <- dat_parks %>%
  filter(Year == focal_year) %>%
  select(observer_id, sampling_event_identifier, Year, duration_minutes, effort_distance_km) %>%
  unique() %>%
  group_by(observer_id) %>%
  summarize(total_hours_birded = round(sum(duration_minutes, na.rm = TRUE)/60,1),
  total_miles_birded = round(sum(effort_distance_km, na.rm = TRUE)*0.621371,1))

observer_summaries <- left_join(observer_summaries, observer_summaries_effort)

# top observers, focal year
top_observers <- slice_head(observer_summaries, n = 10) %>%

## Get observer names from eBird webiste
get_name_from_checklist <- function(sampling_event){
  read_html(paste0("https://ebird.org/checklist/",sampling_event)) %>%
  html_elements("meta") %>%
  html_attr("content") %>%

get_name_from_checklist <- Vectorize(get_name_from_checklist)

get_name_from_checklist_lim <- limit_rate(get_name_from_checklist,  rate(n = 1, period = 6))

f_obs_names <- here("Data", "Wildlife", "eBird", paste0("top_observer_names_",focal_year,".RDS"))
observer_names <- dat_parks %>%
  filter(Year == focal_year) %>%
  select(observer_id, sampling_event_identifier) %>%
  group_by(observer_id) %>%
  filter(sampling_event_identifier == first(sampling_event_identifier)) %>%
  slice(1) %>%
  filter(observer_id %in% top_observers)

if (file.exists(f_obs_names)) {
  observer_names_existing <- readRDS(f_obs_names)
  observer_names <- left_join(observer_names, observer_names_existing, by = c("observer_id"))}  

if (!file.exists(f_obs_names)) {
  observer_names <- observer_names %>%
    mutate(observer_name = NA)
  observer_names_existing <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=0, ncol=3))
  colnames(observer_names_existing) <- colnames(observer_names)
  observer_names_existing <- observer_names_existing %>%
    mutate(observer_id = as.character(observer_id),
           observer_name = as.character(observer_name))

observer_names_needed <- filter(observer_names, is.na(observer_name)) %>%
  mutate(observer_name = get_name_from_checklist_lim(sampling_event_identifier)) %>%
  select(observer_id, observer_name)

if (nrow(observer_names_needed) != 0) {
observer_names <- bind_rows(observer_names_existing, observer_names_needed) %>%
 select(observer_id, observer_name)} else {
  observer_names <- observer_names_existing

saveRDS(observer_names, f_obs_names)

observer_summaries <- observer_summaries %>%
  left_join(observer_names) %>%
  relocate(observer_name) %>%
  mutate(observer_name = ifelse(observer_name == "Anonymous eBirder", observer_id, observer_name), # replace anonymous people with their ID
         observer = ifelse(!is.na(observer_name), observer_name, observer_id))

observer_summaries$observer <- reorder(observer_summaries$observer, -observer_summaries$total_species)

# Focal year summary by park
park_summaries <- dat_parks %>%
  filter(Year == focal_year) %>%
  group_by(Park_Name) %>%
  summarize(total_species = length(unique(common_name)),
            total_birds = sum(as.numeric(observation_count)), # count of individual birds
            total_visitors = length(unique(observer_id)),
            total_visits = length(unique(paste0(observer_id,"_",observation_date))),
            total_checklists = length(unique(sampling_event_identifier))) %>%

park_summaries_effort <- dat_parks %>%
  filter(Year == focal_year) %>%
  select(observer_id, sampling_event_identifier, Year, duration_minutes, effort_distance_km, Park_Name) %>%
  unique() %>%
  group_by(Park_Name) %>%
  summarize(total_hours_birded = round(sum(duration_minutes, na.rm = TRUE)/60,1),
  total_miles_birded = round(sum(effort_distance_km, na.rm = TRUE)*0.621371,1))

park_summaries <- left_join(park_summaries, park_summaries_effort)

# Focal year summary by species (max count by park)
species_list <- dat_parks %>%
  filter(Year == focal_year) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = common_name, names_from = Park_Name, values_from = observation_count, values_fn = max) %>%
  left_join(rebird:::tax %>% select(comName, taxonOrder), by = c(common_name = "comName")) %>%
  arrange(taxonOrder) %>%

# Focal year summary by species (summary)
species_summary <- dat_parks %>%
  filter(Year == focal_year) %>%
  group_by(common_name) %>%
  summarize(total_counted = sum(as.numeric(observation_count)),
            high_count = as.numeric(max(observation_count)),
            total_parks = length(unique(Park_Name)),
            total_observers = length(unique(observer_id)),
            total_days_observed = length(unique(observation_date))) %>%
  left_join(rebird:::tax %>% select(comName, taxonOrder), by = c(common_name = "comName")) %>%
arrange(taxonOrder) %>%

# Summaries by year across all parks & observers
year_summaries <- dat_parks %>%
  group_by(Year) %>%
  summarize(total_species = length(unique(common_name)),
            total_birds = sum(as.numeric(observation_count)), # count of individual birds
            total_visitors = length(unique(observer_id)),
            total_visits = length(unique(paste0(observer_id,"_",Park_Name,"_",observation_date))),
            total_checklists = length(unique(sampling_event_identifier)))

year_summaries_effort <- dat_parks %>%
  select(observer_id, sampling_event_identifier, Year, duration_minutes, effort_distance_km, Park_Name) %>%
  unique() %>%
  group_by(Year) %>%
  summarize(total_hours_birded = round(sum(duration_minutes, na.rm = TRUE)/60,1),
  total_miles_birded = round(sum(effort_distance_km, na.rm = TRUE)*0.621371,1))

year_summaries <- left_join(year_summaries, year_summaries_effort) %>%

# Species list for "winning" observer
winning_observer <- observer_summaries$observer_id[which(observer_summaries$total_species == max(observer_summaries$total_species))]

focal_observer <- winning_observer
observer_species_list <- dat_parks %>%
  filter(observer_id == winning_observer) %>%
  filter(Year == focal_year) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = common_name, names_from = Park_Name, values_from = observation_count, values_fn = max) %>%
  left_join(rebird:::tax %>% select(comName, taxonOrder), by = c(common_name = "comName")) %>%
  arrange(taxonOrder) %>%
#observer_species_list[is.na(observer_species_list)] <- ""

dat_parks_focal_year <- dat_parks %>% filter(Year == focal_year)

# biggest day
biggest_days <- dat_parks_focal_year %>%
  group_by(observer_id, observation_date) %>%
  summarize(n_sp = length(unique(common_name)),
            length(unique(Park_Name))) %>%

# largest counts ever
high_counts <- dat_parks %>%
  slice_max(observation_count, n = 20)

# new high counts
new_high_counts <- dat_parks %>%
  group_by(common_name, Year) %>%
  summarize(high_count = max(observation_count)) %>%
  filter(high_count == max(high_count)) %>%
  filter(Year == min(Year)) %>%
  filter(Year == focal_year) %>%
  left_join(rebird:::tax %>% select(comName, taxonOrder), by = c(common_name = "comName")) %>%
arrange(taxonOrder) %>%

# determine SGCN sp in system
SGCN <- read_csv(here("Data", "Wildlife", "sgcn_2015-25_list_excel.csv")) %>%
  filter(Taxa == "Birds")
SGCN$SGCN <- 1 # make new column indicating species is on list
# align with eBird common names
SGCN$ComName[which(SGCN$ComName == "Le Conte's Sparrow")] <- "LeConte's Sparrow"
SGCN$ComName[which(SGCN$ComName == "Nelson's  Sparrow")] <- "Nelson's Sparrow"
SGCN$ComName[which(SGCN$ComName == "Rufa Red Knot")] <- "Red Knot"
SGCN$ComName[which(SGCN$ComName == "Belted kingfisher")] <- "Belted Kingfisher"
SGCN$ComName[which(SGCN$ComName == "Black-crowned Night-heron")] <- "Black-crowned Night-Heron"
SGCN$ComName[which(SGCN$ComName == "Greater Prairie-chicken")] <- "Greater Prairie-Chicken"
SGCN <- SGCN %>% 
  left_join(rebird:::tax %>% select(comName, taxonOrder), by = c(ComName = "comName")) %>%
  rename(common_name = "ComName")

SGCN_records <- dat_parks_focal_year %>%
  filter(common_name %in% unique(SGCN$common_name)) %>%
  group_by(common_name) %>%
  summarize(total_counted = sum(as.numeric(observation_count)),
            high_count = as.numeric(max(observation_count)),
            total_parks = length(unique(Park_Name)),
            total_observers = length(unique(observer_id)),
            total_days_observed = length(unique(observation_date))) %>%

# how many new birders in focal year?
obs_focal_year <- dat_parks %>%
  filter(Year == focal_year)
obs_focal_year <- unique(obs_focal_year$observer_id)
obs_pre_focal_year <- dat_parks %>%
  filter(Year != focal_year)
obs_pre_focal_year <- unique(obs_pre_focal_year$observer_id)
obs_new_focal_year <- setdiff(obs_focal_year, obs_pre_focal_year)

eBirding in the Parks

Year-by-year comparison

eBirding activity in the parks has grown dramatically since eBird was launched in 2002. Some metrics peaked in 2020, likely due to changes in birding activity and outdoor recreation related to COVID-19 restrictions. Data from before 2002 have been entered by eBirders retroactively.

year_summaries %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = c( -Year), names_to = "variable") %>%
  mutate(Year = as.numeric(Year)) %>%
  filter(variable %!in% c("total_birds", "total_checklists")) %>%
  mutate(variable = recode(variable, "total_visits" = "Total visits", "total_visitors" = "Total eBirders", "total_species" = "Number of species documented", "total_miles_birded" = "Total miles birded", "total_hours_birded" = "Total hours birded"),
         variable = factor(variable, levels=c("Total eBirders", "Total visits", "Total miles birded", "Total hours birded", "Number of species documented"))) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Year)) +
    geom_line(aes(y = value, color = variable), alpha = .9) +
    geom_point(aes(y = value, color = variable), alpha = .9) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(1960, 2022, by = 10)) +
    theme_clean() +
      #title = "eBirding in Three Rivers Parks",
      #x = "Year",
      y = "") +
      plot.title = element_text(size = 11, face = "bold"),
      plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 10, face = "italic"),
      legend.position = "none",
      plot.background=element_blank()) +
  facet_wrap(~variable, ncol = 2, scales = "free")

Visits per day

This chart summarizes the total number of visits by eBirders to Three Rivers Parks on each day of the year. There is a strong seasonal component to this metric, with birders most active during the spring. Some days with special events that generally increased birding activity in the parks are called out with labels.

special_dates <- data.frame(observation_date = c("2022-05-14",
                                       label = c("eBird Global Big Day",
                                                 "eBird October Big Day",
                                                 "Three Rivers Big Day",
                                                 "Three Rivers Big Sit",
                                                 "West Hennepin CBC")) %>%
  mutate(observation_date = as.Date(observation_date, format="%Y-%m-%d"),
         Date = lubridate::yday(observation_date),
         Year = format(observation_date,"%Y"))

visits_doy_dat <- dat_parks %>%
  #filter(Year == focal_year) %>%
  select(Year, observer_id, Park_Name, observation_date) %>%
  unique() %>%
  mutate(Date = lubridate::yday(observation_date)) %>%
  group_by(Year, Date) %>%
  summarize(Visit_count = n()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  left_join(select(special_dates, -observation_date))

#visits_doy_dat$label[which(is.na(visits_doy_dat$label))] <- ""

visits_plot <- ggplot() +
    # last 15 years background
    geom_line(mapping = aes(x = as.Date(Date, origin = as.Date("2022-01-01")), y = Visit_count, group = Year), data = filter(visits_doy_dat, Year >= 2010), color = "grey", linewidth = .5, alpha = .85) +
  # focal year highlight
  geom_line(mapping = aes(x = as.Date(Date, origin = as.Date("2022-01-01")), y = Visit_count, group = Year), data = filter(visits_doy_dat, Year == focal_year), color = "#1a5b73", linewidth = 1) +
  # label special dates
  ggrepel::geom_label_repel(mapping = aes(label = label, x = as.Date(Date, origin = as.Date("2022-01-01")), y = Visit_count, group = Year), data = filter(visits_doy_dat,  Year == focal_year), color = "#1a5b73", size = 2, box.padding = 1, segment.color = "grey20", seed = 3, ylim = c(50, 68)) +
    theme_clean() +
      title = "<span style='font-size:10pt'>Visits to Three Rivers parks by eBirders in 
    <span style='color:#1a5b73;'>2022</span> and other years 
    <span style='color:grey60;'>since 2010</span>
      x = "Date",
      y = "Visits") +
      plot.title = element_markdown(lineheight = 1.1, face ="bold"),
      plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 10, face = "italic"),
      legend.title = element_text(size = 10, face = "plain"),
      axis.title.x = element_blank()) +
  scale_x_date(date_labels = "%b", date_breaks = "1 month", expand = c(.01,00))


Locations birded

This map shows checklist starting locations. The size of each point scaled to the number of checklists submitted from that location. Large points with many visits are typically official eBird hotspots. Please note that this analysis includes a 30 m buffer around the official boundaries of the parks to capture checklists that were started immediately adjacent to parks (e.g., observers that started their checklist just outside of the park before travelling into the park).

mapview(checklist_locations, zcol = "locality_type", col.regions = c("red", "purple", "grey"), cex = "total_visits", 
                 popup = c("locality", "locality_type", "total_visits", "Park_Name"),
                 label = "locality") + 
mapview(parks, col.regions = "palegreen4", legend = FALSE)

Data Summaries

By park

The most frequently visited park by eBirders in 2022 was Carver Park Reserve. The park visited by the greatest number of different individual eBirders was Hyland Lake Park Reserve. The park with the greatest observed bird diversity was Carver Park Reserve, with 207 species documented over the course of the year.

park_summaries %>%
  relocate(Park_Name) %>%
  datatable(options = list(pageLength = 33),
            colnames = c("Park", "Species counted", "Birds counted", "Total eBirders", "Total visits", "Checklists submitted", "Hours birded", "Miles birded"),
            caption = "2022 TRPD Big Year of Birds: results by park") %>%
  formatCurrency(purrr::map_lgl(.$x$data, is.numeric), currency = "", interval = 3, digits = 0, mark = ",") %>%
  formatCurrency(c("total_hours_birded", "total_miles_birded"), currency = "", interval = 3, digits = 1, mark = ",") %>%
    background = styleColorBar(park_summaries$total_species, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(park_summaries$total_birds, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(park_summaries$total_visitors, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(park_summaries$total_visits, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(park_summaries$total_checklists, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(park_summaries$total_hours_birded, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(park_summaries$total_miles_birded, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center')

By observer

A total of 747 different individuals submitted checklists in Three Rivers parks in 2022.

observer_summaries %>%
  relocate(observer) %>%
  select(-c(observer_id, observer_name)) %>%
  datatable(options = list(pageLength = 25),
            colnames = c("Observer", "Species counted", "Birds counted", "Parks visited", "Total visits", "Checklists submitted", "Hours birded", "Miles birded"),
            caption = "2022 TRPD Big Year of Birds: results by observer") %>%
  formatCurrency(purrr::map_lgl(.$x$data, is.numeric), currency = "", interval = 3, digits = 0, mark = ",") %>%
  formatCurrency(c("total_hours_birded", "total_miles_birded"), currency = "", interval = 3, digits = 1, mark = ",") %>%
    background = styleColorBar(observer_summaries$total_species, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(observer_summaries$total_birds, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(observer_summaries$total_parks_visited, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(observer_summaries$total_visits, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(observer_summaries$total_checklists, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(observer_summaries$total_hours_birded, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(observer_summaries$total_miles_birded, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center')

By species

The table below provides information on all 240 bird species documented in the parks in 2022. The list is sorted taxonomically, but it can also be sorted by other metrics. The “Total counted” column sums the total number of individual birds counted over the course of the year. Note that same individual bird can be counted multiple times by different observers on different days. The High count column records the highest count of a species recorded on a single checklist.

species_summary %>%
  datatable(options = list(pageLength = 120),
            colnames = c("Species", "Total counted", "High count", "Total parks observed in", "Total observers", "Total days observed"),
            caption = "2022 TRPD Big Year of Birds: results by species") %>%
  formatCurrency(purrr::map_lgl(.$x$data, is.numeric), currency = "", interval = 3, digits = 0, mark = ",") %>%
    background = styleColorBar(species_summary$total_counted, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(species_summary$high_count, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(species_summary$total_parks, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(species_summary$total_observers, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(species_summary$total_days_observed, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center')

By year

This table summarizes eBirding effort and outcomes in the parks from year to year.

year_summaries %>%
  relocate(Year) %>%
  datatable(options = list(pageLength = 25),
            colnames = c("Year", "Species counted", "Birds counted", "Total eBirders", "Total visits", "Checklists submitted", "Hours birded", "Miles birded"),
            caption = "TRPD eBirding summary by year (across all parks)") %>%
  formatCurrency(purrr::map_lgl(.$x$data, is.numeric), currency = "", interval = 3, digits = 0, mark = ",") %>%
    background = styleColorBar(year_summaries$total_species, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(year_summaries$total_birds, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(year_summaries$total_visitors, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(year_summaries$total_visits, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(year_summaries$total_checklists, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(year_summaries$total_hours_birded, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center') %>%
    background = styleColorBar(year_summaries$total_miles_birded, '#e6e6e6'),
    backgroundSize = '90% 50%',
    backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
    backgroundPosition = 'center')

Assorted Analyses

“New” species

Which species were first recorded on eBird in Three Rivers parks in 2022?

sp_focal_year <- dat_parks %>%
  filter(Year == focal_year) %>%
  left_join(rebird:::tax %>% select(comName, taxonOrder), by = c(common_name = "comName")) %>%
  arrange(taxonOrder) %>%
  select(-taxonOrder) %>%
  pull(common_name) %>%

sp_prior_years <- dat_parks %>%
  filter(Year < focal_year) %>%
  left_join(rebird:::tax %>% select(comName, taxonOrder), by = c(common_name = "comName")) %>%
  arrange(taxonOrder) %>%
  select(-taxonOrder) %>%
  pull(common_name) %>%

sp_new <- setdiff(sp_focal_year, sp_prior_years)
sp_missing <- setdiff(sp_prior_years, sp_focal_year)

total_years <- length(unique(dat_parks$Year))

sp_new_info <- dat_parks %>%
  filter(common_name %in% sp_new) %>%
  group_by(common_name) %>%
  summarize(first_observed = min(observation_date),
            total_days_observed = length(unique(observation_date)),
            total_observers = length(unique(observer_id)),
            parks_observed_in = paste(unique(Park_Name), collapse = ', '))
            colnames = c("Species", "Date first observed", "Total days observed", "Number of observers", "Parks observed in"),
            caption = paste0("Species observed in Three Rivers parks for the first time in ", focal_year, "."))

“Missed” species

Which species have been recorded in the past that weren’t seen in 2022?

sp_missing_info <- dat_parks %>%
  filter(common_name %in% sp_missing) %>%
  group_by(common_name) %>%
  summarize(last_observed = max(observation_date),
            years_previously_observed = length(unique(Year)),
            #pct_years_observed = round(length(unique(Year))/total_years*100),
            total_days_previously_observed = length(unique(observation_date)),
            high_count = max(observation_count),
            parks_previously_observed_in = paste(unique(Park_Name), collapse = ', '))
   datatable(sp_missing_info, options = list(pageLength = 25),
            colnames = c("Species", "Date last observed", "Number years previously observed", "Number days previously observed", "High count", "Parks observed in"),
            caption = paste0("Species not observed in Three Rivers parks in ", focal_year, " that have been documented in previous years."))

Species high counts by park

This table provides the highest count of each species submitted in each park in 2022. It is helpful for identifying in which parks individual species have been documented, as well as a general sense of their relative abundance at each. We recommend searching this large table for particular species of interest.

  species_list, rownames = FALSE, colnames = c("Species" = "common_name"),
  caption = paste0("High counts of each species in each park in ", focal_year, "."),
  extensions = 'FixedColumns',
  options = list(
    pageLength = 6,
    #dom = 't',
    scrollX = TRUE,
    fixedColumns = TRUE

New species high counts

This table lists species for which a new district-wide high count was set in 2022.

  select(new_high_counts, -Year), rownames = FALSE, colnames = c("Species" = "common_name", "New high count" = "high_count"),
  caption = paste0("New species high counts recorded in ", focal_year, "."),
  extensions = 'FixedColumns',
  options = list(
    pageLength = 40,
    #dom = 't',
    scrollX = TRUE,
    fixedColumns = TRUE


A selection of bird photographs from 2022 taken within Three Rivers parks.


By Sam Safran